Friday, February 13, 2009

Thinking Pink

Olympic Bronze Medalist Susan Williams came in the other day for a road bike fit and for some reason her pink/carbon color'd BLUE ride caught my eye. I don't know much about Blue bicycles other than a few years ago I had never heard of them and now...they seem to be everywhere, including chief bike supplier to USATriathlon. The pink accents within the design of this bike made me wonder if perhaps Retul Studios overlooked ordering a few specially spec'd demo rides for our clients of the finer sex? Our new Denver studio is really looking hot with all these new rides arriving each week.....and well I'm going to go out on a limb here guys, I think we need a pink bike. I mean I seem to recall at least two 'pink rockets' (haha, thats what my college roomates referred to my dog's johnson as) coming through the Retul studios last year. Ironman 70.3 World Champion Joanna Zeiger and Mrs KT Lloyd both had custom pink, Guru Cronos that simply say, "I may be cute and pink, but I'm also way faster than you...." when they scream by at your local 5430 series triathlon. Besides I know at least one guy who chose a pink bike as his primary race machine (but I wont mention any names.....eehhummm... kYle....eemmm:).

So since were on the topic of pink. I'm sitting at the hospital with my wife yesterday. We're in for the BIG ultrasound appointment (the one you find out the sex) and I'm watching this veteran doc wizz through this ultrasound machine. She's pointing to these alien like graphics on the video screen, saying... "and this is the head, and here's the little feet, and oh looks like....yep, its a girl." Except thats its two girls, because for some reason, the big guy upstairs decided to get his point across when he reminded me that unprotected relations can lead to new creations. But anyway, the Doc is going through the ultrasound process and I start firing off questions about the equipment. Basically it appears like this technology uses a 2D video screen and software to measure certain anatomical points to quantify growth of the baby(s:). I acted impressed even though i couldnt make out anything whatsoever on that stupid black and white screen. I tried to keep converstation going and said, "so have you seen what the next generation ultrasound equipment looks like?" The SheDoc's expression lit up and said, "we've just received a new one. They are much more accurate now, they are in 3D.". She went on to explain to me the difference betwen 2D and 3D and why the 3D data is so much better for her application. I sat there smiling because she was saying the same things that I tell people everyday when we discuss the differences between Retul 3D technology and other 2D video systems.

So while the Medical Device division at GE may have started the development of the next generation ultrasound technology years ago, its nice to know that Retul is maintaining pace with bringing its true 3D data capture capability to the ever emerging bike industry

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