Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What Causes Some Sports to be Caucasion'ized'?

So I'm up for a few days getaway in the beautiful Colorado Mountains. Steamboat Springs to be exact, where I'm doing a few turns and spending time with the Boss. A lot of times when I get up in the altitude to play (as so many Coloradans do), I find that nature brings me into deep thought. Today I'm exiting the Gondola right around prime time in the morning; meaning there are people freakin' everywhere trying to get their gear right for the first run of the day. As I took in the moment and scanned the excited groups of color matched ski gear'd folks, most of them on vacation with friends and family, I noticed that everyone was.....well.....white. I rode off down the hill trying to rock out to my 80's tunes through my sweet ipod jack-equipped helmet from Giro, but I couldn't stop looking at every person I passed, every snow lover at every lift line, every person scarfing down resort food at the lunch tables in crowded lodges and hillside bars, to see if they were of any other color other than... white. Not really. The rest of the day I realized that skiing is in fact a white mans sport. I mean I did see 2 Asian snowboarders (one who ripped by the way), but everyone else....I mean everyone else was of the Caucasion origin. It made me start to think about the other sports that I have been invoved in...like triathlon and cycling. Same kind of thing. I mean I have certainly seen David Goggins (a very fit black triathlete) ripping the Ironman course and I can recall several other African American Professional Cyclists....but look at the UCI Pro Peleton - most participants are white dudes. Most triathlons that I have seen contain mostly white people. Most professionals who play hockey in the NHL are kind of pasty. This leads me to the question: "What causes some sports to become dominated by certain races?" I'm sure there is an answer....but it strikes me as kind of a strange thing in the aforementioned sports. Dunkin